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Thankful for Safety

I just want to give thanks to the Lord. We are sitting at a transmission shop on our way down to see my Granny.

We pulled off the road after hearing a strange noise on the truck. A really sweet mechanic looked at it and figured out that I bolt had come loose. It seems like such a small thing, but the result if we hadn't caught it could have been devastating.

Do you ever feel like things are just stacked against you? That is a little, ok a lot how I have felt the last 2 weeks. We have had one thing after another (the truck transmission had to be rebuilt, our water hose to the water main burst, we got the stomach bug, our black tank backed up . . . ).

I was starting to wonder what I needed to learn with all of this.

Sitting in the transmission shop today I am overwhelmed with thankfulness. It could have been so much worse.

What are you thankful for this week?

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