Caleb has a TON of family in Virginia. We parked at his grandparents house and got to spend time with them.
The girls loved helping Grandmommy with cooking or cleaning. It was so special for them to have the time together.
And she let the girls dress up in some of her clothes! My girls LOVE to dress up!
We had time with other family as well!
Grandmommy did a tea party with some cousins. We had a grand time!
Caleb fixed the roof on our main pop out. More on this later!
Interesting fact about Virginia. 2 of the places we stayed had tons of lady bugs. And they do bite🤨
We would get so many in the trailer one night they were dive bombing me! It is so interesting to me different places and all the things that come with it!
Anyone else ever been bit by a lady bug??